This is a living document of relevant sources for understanding Bitcoin and its significance as a monetary asset that you should know.

Bolded are the items I have found particularly helpful.



Why Bitcoin?

Bitcoin Basics

Resources of Interest

Metrics & Stats

Responding to Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt

I want to buy some



Money is on many people's minds lately. 

Perhaps this is due to the government inflating the money supply by approximately 30% in less than 2 years and the subsequent spike in inflation.

Asset prices have ballooned to new highs and the cost of consumer goods continues to rise with stated inflation at 6.7%!

Inflation is not a problem that is unique to Canada or the US, rather it is a global phenomenon. 

What is going on? Is this reversible? When will it end? Who will pay for all this debt?

The answer is: Your future self, your children, and your grandchildren will pay for this debt! 

How? Through increased taxation, continued currency devaluation, lost savings & purchasing power, reduced standard of living, growing disparity between haves and have nots, increased conflict and polarization in society, political unrest and global tensions.

If you think you are completely insulated from this reality, think again. 

For the past 50 years the world has operated on a Fiat standard. Our “money” has been, and currently is, backed solely by trust in the creditworthiness of governments, particularly the US government, and enforced by government decree backed ultimately by the US military.

“History has shown that governments will inevitably succumb to the temptation of inflating the money supply.”

-Saifedean Ammous

Governments and central banks have total authority to create money (out of nothing) debasing the currency and effectively stealing from those who don’t invest in hard assets and choose to hold cash. We have witnessed governments using this power to win elections, solve their problems, promote their ideologies, and amass greater power - completely unchecked!! - that is, until now. 

As long as people continue to trust that the government will be able to service their debt the fiat money system will prevail… 

BUT, like a house built on a foundation of sand, a fragile system can easily collapse when a crisis arises. Though the house is a complex and well-constructed masterpiece, the flawed foundation will not hold it up. 

One thing to remember about money is that it is ultimately chosen by people - individual actors. People will naturally gravitate to the money that is perceived as the "safest" with time. Thus whatever vehicle the people elect to store their value over time becomes the money. 

I believe Bitcoin is a technological discovery with massive global economic implications and a very serious contender for the role of sound money in the future.

In order for a “good” to be “money” it must have several distinct characteristics.

Bitcoin fulfills many of these characteristics in ways that previous monies like fiat or gold are unable to. 

Find out for yourself. Is it simply a fad or will it reform money and, by extension, society in ways we can’t even imagine?

The resources below may serve to inform your decision. And for those who choose to completely ignore it, remember:

“This is a historical lesson of immense significance, and should be kept in mind by anyone who thinks his refusal of Bitcoin means he doesn't have to deal with it. History shows it is not​ possible to insulate yourself from the consequences of others holding money that is harder than yours.”

-Saifedean Ammous

Why Bitcoin?

In order to understand why Bitcoin is the solution, first we must answer the questions:

  1. What is money?

  2. What is the problem with our current money?

  3. How is Bitcoin the solution?

Here is some content to help answer these questions:

Michael Saylor is an entrepreneur and the CEO of MicroStrategy. In this interview with Tucker Carlson, Saylor explains the importance of the invention/discovery of Bitcoin and how it solves many of the problems with government fiat money.

For the keen: Saylor’s free online academy offers a course in the Austrian school of economics. This school of thought differs from the prevailing Keynesian school and focusses on “human action” as the cause of economic phenomena.

Michael Saylor:

“What is Money?” is a key question for understanding why Bitcoin is relevant today.

Robert Breedlove is an entrepreneur, author, and philosopher. His podcast, The “What is Money?” Show, goes on a deep philosophical journey to answer the question “What is Money?”. If there are any takeaways from this podcast it would be that money has a profound impact on our actions and society as a whole and the quality of our money has incredible consequences.

  • Check out Robert’s YouTube channel here.

Robert Breedlove:

Stevens is the founder and executive chairman of New York Digital Investment Group (NYDIG). He used the majority of his 2020 shareholder letter to speak to “what is money?” and how bitcoin is the solution.

Ross Stevens:

Many readers will likely have heard of Jordan Peterson who is a clinical psychologist, professor emeritus of psychology, and author. Peterson recently “discovered” Bitcoin & Austrian Economics in several interviews, discussing some of the moral and societal impacts of sound money.

Jordan Peterson:

Lyn Alden

This is “an excellent and inspiring introduction to, and reminder of, Bitcoin’s value to the world, all through a comprehensive and historical lens on money”.

Read “The Bullish Case for Bitcoin”

Vijay Boyapati:

Pierre Poilievre is a Canadian MP representing the riding of Carlton and now seeks the position of Prime Minister. As a finance critic Poilievere has called out excessive government spending, poor monetary/fiscal policies, economic mismanagement and inflation.

In this interview with Robert Breedlove, Poilievre discusses Canada’s current moment.

Pierre Polievre:

Bitcoin Basics

In the words of the original white paper, Bitcoin is “A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System”

For those who might understand computer science, mathematics & cryptography feel free to read the original white paper :)

For everyone else here is a good place to start in understanding exactly how Bitcoin functions.

Resources of Interest

  • The Bitcoin Standard is a great introduction to “What is Money” - covers the history of money and the characteristics the make for good money. It argues that Bitcoin could replace gold as the new base layer money.

  • The Fiat Standard is an investigation into the current fiat system and how unsound money affects all aspects of our lives (health, food, education, science, etc.) and how Bitcoin could be the solution.

  • Magic Internet Money is a short and easy read where a Canadian contemplates the role of Bitcoin

  • The Price of Tomorrow describes the deflationary effects of Technology on our world and how Bitcoin could provide a means for gradual / peaceful transition to a sound money world.

  • The Sovereign Individual was written 20 years ago but predicts the unavoidable effects of information technology on our society. Some of their predictions have already been proven incorrect or are highly unlikely but many aspects of their thesis are beginning to materialize including individual sovereignty over “digital money”

  • Thank God for Bitcoin, along with the scriptural connections are a bit of a stretch in my opinion. However, it does shed light on the immoral impacts that fiat money has on society and the potential for Bitcoin to incentivize long-term thinking and moral behaviours/patterns.

  • Currency Wars - TBD

  • Bitcoin: Sovereign Through Mathematics - TBD

  • The Bullish Case for Bitcoin - TBD

  • Bitcoin and the American Dream - TBD

  • Bitcoin is Venice - TBD

  1. Books

2. Podcasts

  • Discussing Bitcoin and economics from an Austrian Economist’s point of view. Great Podcast!

  • A (deep) philosophical journey into what is money.

  • An attempt to understand if/how Bitcoin could be the future of money.

  • How Bitcoin is changing the world.

  • Austrian Economics including history and current events. Item description

  • How to thrive in a world of out of control central banks and big governments.

  • A GTA group focused on economic prosperity for the middle class.

Since Bitcoin is a global phenomenon the macroeconomic picture is key to understanding adoption & price. I have found the links below to be helpful in this regard:





Effects of Nixon’s decision to unpeg the dollar’s convertibility to gold in 1971

3. Macro

4. Christian Articles

5. Other Articles

6. Environmental Income

7. Wills & Estate Planning

Before you start trading your fiat dollars for sound money it is important to understand the risks. Taking custody of your money means that you no longer have to trust a third party such as a bank! On the other hand you become personally responsible for storing it safely. Do your research!

Learn about bitcoin wallets here

I Want to Buy Some

Exchanges are digital platforms that allows you to buy & sell Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies with fiat dollars.

Each exchange has their own fee structure.

Canadian Bitcoin Exchanges (Buy/Sell)



** There are many other exchange platforms, do your research!


“History has shown that governments will inevitably succumb to the temptation of inflating the money supply.”

“Bitcoin effectively combines gold’s salability across time with fiat’s salability across space in one apolitical, immutable, open-source package.”

“This is a historical lesson of immense significance, and should be kept in mind by anyone who thinks his refusal of Bitcoin means he doesn't have to deal with it. History shows it is not possible to insulate yourself from the consequences of others holding money that is harder than yours.” 

“its mere existence is an insurance policy that will remind governments that the last object the establishment could control, namely, the currency, is no longer their monopoly. This gives us, the crowd, an insurance policy against an Orwellian future.”

“money that is easy to produce is no money at all, and easy money does not make a society richer; on the contrary, it makes it poorer by placing all its hard‐earned wealth for sale in exchange for something easy to produce.”

“Sound money is also an essential element of a free society as it provides for an effective bulwark against despotic government.”

“Sound money allows people to think about the long term and to save and invest more for the future. Saving and investing for the long run are the key to capital accumulation and the advance of human civilization.”

“Bitcoin can be best understood as distributed software that allows for transfer of value using a currency protected from unexpected inflation without relying on trusted third parties. In other words, Bitcoin automates the functions of a modern central bank and makes them predictable and virtually immutable by programming them into code decentralized among thousands of network members, none of whom can alter the code without the consent of the rest. This makes Bitcoin the first demonstrably reliable operational example of digital cash and digital hard money.”